Sunday, November 30, 2014

Ferguson Reaction

By no means do I think that we've seen the end of racism in this world.  That doesn't necessarily mean that I believe Officer Wilson is racist but the situation probably would have been handled a lot differently if Michael Brown was white.  I don't blame the town of Ferguson for lashing out but I definitely don't agree with the riots and the looting.  There is no way that anyone can move on or find peace if they continue the fighting at such an extreme.  Last night, Officer Wilson resigned and I think it's for the best.  With my own personal feelings aside, I believe Wilson made the right choice because there was such a high risk for him to go out and do his job.  Nobody from Ferguson is going to forget his face and he would never be able to live it down.


  1. Hi Kendal :) I agree that there's really no way to know if the former officer was racist or not (unless someone knows something I don't), but I feel like racism comes into play afterwards when it comes time to be held accountable. Issues like these being major topics in almost all of my classes, I get to see (or read) firsthand about the disparities in treatment and accountability when race (& gender) are considered & it is really pretty sad.

  2. Kendal, I agree with a lot of the points you mentioned above. You are right by saying there is still racism present. You are also right that we will never know if racism plays a roll in the murder. I think the most valid point that you made is about how rioting and looting will never bring peace, it will only cause more violence. More violence will play into stereotypes and lead to more deaths.
